4 Oct

In recent days I’m broadening my view re: what creating looks like. In the past, I’d limited it to graphic arts.  With me…not a chance or so I thought.  Surprisingly over the past month I’ve dabbled in coloring both online and coloring books.  I’ve derived a sense of pride as I’ve chosen colors that portray something I want to communicate.  When I sing a song, my rendition makes it unique.  My most recent endeavor has been putting “pen to paper” as I develop a daily habit of giving a voice to my thoughts.


2 Oct

Hmmmm.   Tell means relinquishing things I’m thinking about or believing to another.   In some cases, things are told only to God.  What prevents me from widening my circle of heaters?  Fear of being judged by others, thinking my thoughts are trivial..  I do want to be faithful and intentional re:.telling the gift of His great love for me and the availability of this Gift to those who would receive it.



1 Oct


Joining with writers worldwide to write for 31 days on assigned topics.  Hoping to get the creative juices flowing

Too many times my view of worship has been far too small. Although corporate times with my church family are very special, what transpires during the week is often minimized.  As I leave the high of family time, I need to carry a different perspective into life’s dailies.  Am I giving Jesus worth  in how I relate to Him, myself and others?  Does gratefulness characterize my thoughts, words and deeds when outcomes are unknown as well as anticipated?  Do I have a sense of awareness of God in the midst of the seemingly mundane as well as the more extrordinary events of life? May my horizons in the area of worship be enlarged in the coming days!


17 Sep

Support is an essential part of my life both from a giving and receiving end. On a lazy day Facebook is my first stop. Comments on posts in words and or praying hands. Amidst this is a sense of hustle and bustle that removes me from my ULTIMATE support and cheerleader… My Creator, Redeemer and Friend. WHY? Hope writing on this and similar topics in the days ahead will alter the wind in my sails.


17 Sep

Enjoying planning a day of Sabbath rest in advance. Today has been especially restful and restoring. Trying to determine why I let the rhythm of the world crowd out the rhythms of grace.


25 Jan

I love the thought of visiting one with another. It keeps me from withdrawing and creates an atmosphere of interdependence as opposed to independence. Our time together can be in person, text, phone. It can be with one or more people. Sometimes we just gather and share stories which can unite us. Other times visiting is an act of listening and simply being present as we reveal what’s happening in our lives. A good visit leaves me energized and refreshed.